Why Don't We Talk About This?
You already know that there are a bunch of things people talk about in pockets or completely avoid. Things that may be controversial or uncomfortable but we need to get them off our chest. During "Why Don’t We Talk About This?", licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist, Paula McMillan-Perez speaks with folks whose learned experiences and/or professions give way to a diverse knowledge of topics that we just aren't talking about...but should be!
Why Don't We Talk About This?
Talking about Twice the Family with Julie Ryan McGue
Julie returns to share highlights her and her twin sister’s adoption search in her new book, “Twice the Family” which covers their upbringing in a large Irish Catholic family. She highlights the unique bond twins share, challenges associated with a disabled sibling and the impact of infertility on her family. Julie emphasizes the importance of writing for personal healing, their own catharsis and understanding.
Guest Bio:
Julie Ryan McGue is an American writer, a domestic adoptee, and an identical twin. She writes about finding out who you are, where you belong and making sense of it. She is the author of two published works: Twice a Daughter: A Search for Identity, Family, and Belonging (She Writes Press, 2021), and Belonging Matters: Conversations on Adoption, Family, and Kinship (Muse Literary, 2023). Her third book, Twice the Family: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Sisterhood releases in February 2025.
Facebook: juliemcguewrites
Instagram: julieryanmcgue
LinkedIn: Julie McGue
Goodreads: julieryanmcgue
X: juliermcgue
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