Why Don't We Talk About This?
You already know that there are a bunch of things people talk about in pockets or completely avoid. Things that may be controversial or uncomfortable but we need to get them off our chest. During "Why Don’t We Talk About This?", licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist, Paula McMillan-Perez speaks with folks whose learned experiences and/or professions give way to a diverse knowledge of topics that we just aren't talking about...but should be!
Why Don't We Talk About This?
Talking about Mentorship in Social Work with Erica P. Sandoval, LCSW, SIFI
Erica discusses the importance of mentorship in her career and the upcoming third volume of "Latinx in Social Work," which focuses on mentorship. She highlights her journey, including support from mentors referred to as Madrinas and the challenges she faced, including toxic work environments and betrayal. Erica emphasizes the role of community and collective action in overcoming these challenges. She also shares her transformation through holistic practices and the launch of Siembra Today, a nonprofit providing accessible mental health and wellness tools for BIPOC communities.
Guest Bio:
Erica Priscilla Sandoval is an award-winning mental health practitioner, speaker, executive coach, entrepreneur, podcaster, philanthropist, and author.
Erica is most recently the Executive Director of Siembra Today, a women-run, BIPOC-led nonprofit devoted to providing accessible mental health and wellness support through narrative storytelling, books, workshops, healing circles, conferences, and social media campaigns. Siembra Today’s goal is to destigmatize and promote mental health and wellness for the Latino/a/x/e and BIPOC community, so that they can plant seeds of hope for themselves and future generations.
Erica is also the founder and CEO of Sandoval Psychotherapy Consultation—known as Sandoval CoLab—which provides talk therapy, ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP), and holistic offerings. She is the creator of the book series Latinx/e in Social Work, personal narratives available in both English and Spanish that amplify the voices of Latinx/e social workers.
Erica holds a Post Master’s in Clinical Adolescent Psychology and a Master’s in Social Work from New York University, Silver School of Social Work. As a proud immigrant from Ecuador, her passion is fueled by supporting her community.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericapsandoval/
Instagram: latinxinsocialwork, sandovalcolab, siembratoday
Websites: https://www.latinxinsocialwork.com/, https://www.sandovalcolab.com/, https://www.siembratoday.org/
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