Why Don't We Talk About This?
You already know that there are a bunch of things people talk about in pockets or completely avoid. Things that may be controversial or uncomfortable but we need to get them off our chest. During "Why Don’t We Talk About This?", licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist, Paula McMillan-Perez speaks with folks whose learned experiences and/or professions give way to a diverse knowledge of topics that we just aren't talking about...but should be!
Why Don't We Talk About This?
Talking about Self-Advocacy & Caregiver Support (Navigating the Healthcare System) with Dr. Jacob Kendall
Jacob discusses his experiences navigating the complex healthcare system, emphasizing the importance of self-advocacy and caregiver support. He shares his experiences with open-heart surgeries and his interdisciplinary approach to healthcare, advocating for a multi-dimensional perspective, stressing the importance of open dialogue and much more!
Guest Bio:
Dr. Jacob Kendall demystifies health(care). He is the survivor of two open-heart surgeries in early adulthood and has formal training in gerontology, public health, social work, biology, and theology. Jacob believes the key to mastering health and being a savvy patient or caregiver is a convergent 4-dimensional approach, integrating multiple perspectives to show that health and healthcare are more than individualistic, medical, here, and now.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacobevanskendall/
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